- 卖猫人与卖茶人Cat Merchants and Tea Dealers at Tong-Chow
- 此外,还从事植物的采集活动,并参与酤酒、卖茶等市场活动。In addition, women also took part in collecting botanic foodstuff, selling wine and tea, etc.
- 卖to sell
- 茶tea
- 百货公司、大卖场渐趋饱和且通路费用过高,未来发展受限制Dept store and Mass nearly saturated and with too high a channel cost, future development limited
- 卖出average
- 大叫yell
- 大号tuba
- 下午茶afternoon tea
- 大类main type
- 四大the four elements [earth, water, fire, wind]
- 外卖take-out
- 变大fill out
- 热卖sell fast
- 大公司large company
- 大流行craze
- 卖掉surplus
- 大男子主义androcentrism
- 特卖sell
- 最大限度maximum