- 这可能是缅甸的大其力唯一比较可看的建筑了。不过此佛塔的"原版"在仰光。Possibly the only interesting thing in Tachelik, Burma. This golden pagoda is a miniature version of a huge pagoda in Yangon, the Burmese capital.
- 张大其事exaggerate
- 其its
- 远而奇偶,制大其服disease far from the stomach should be treated with herbal prescription composed of a lot of drugs
- 竭其力exerting one's utmost strength
- 人尽其力everyone do his best
- 随机性不能等同于复杂性 ,随机性越大其复杂性不一定就越大 ;Randomness can not equal to complexity. The more the randomness is does not mean the mor e the complexity is.
- 出力contribute
- 大叫yell
- 受力stress
- 大号tuba
- 大类main type
- 各尽其力。Everyone does his best.
- 四大the four elements [earth, water, fire, wind]
- 变大fill out
- 其后thereafter
- 大公司large company
- 大流行craze
- 【谚】人竭其力,汝享其成。One beats the bush, and another catches the birds.
- 大男子主义androcentrism