- 更多more
- 多multi-
- 主从式移动Agent模型Master- Slave Mobile Agent Model
- 最多maximum
- 基于BDI的对手Agent模型An Opponent Agent Model Based on BDI
- 多个multi-
- 更多的added
- 一个带反馈的BDI-Agent模型A BDI-Agent Model with Feedback
- 太多tanto
- 基于Petri Nets的BDI Agent模型A Model of BDI Agent Based on Petri Nets
- 好多(adj) many
- 多年many years
- 基于Agent模型的开放超媒体个性化Personalized Open HyperMedia Base of Agent
- 多云cloudy
- 基于DFL的界面Agent模型及应用研究Research and Application on Interface Agent Model Based on DFL
- 那么多tanto
- 多大how big
- 一种基于DFL的软件Agent模型及应用研究Research and Application on a Kind of Software Agent Model Based on DFL
- 最多的most
- 过多excessive