- 多语种对照的版本.a polyglot edition
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- 北京主要道路、车站、旅游景点及重点文化场所的导向标识要有中英文对照,一些特殊地段和场馆要实现多语种对照标识。Major roads, stations and stops, tourist sites and key cultural sites in Beijing shall have bilingual directional signs in both Chinese and English, and multi-lingual signs shall be available in certain special premises and stadiums.
- 多multi-
- 一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.
- 多语种对照词典polylingual dictionary
- 它能在活体组织观察细胞形态和组织结构,甚至在使用增强对照的试剂后,能在分子水平观察细胞的活动。Skin can be observed in its native state in vivo without the fixing, sectioning and staining that is necessary for routine histology.
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- 有许多非法翻印的版本。There are lots of pirated editions.
- 多个multi-
- 语种languages
- 更多的added
- 这是一本较近的版本。This is a later edition.
- 菌核在芽孢杆菌Drt-11发酵液中处理的时间越长,其萌发率越低,在发酵制剂中处理24 h后,菌核萌发减少40%~60%,菌落半径是对照的13.9%,明显抑制菌丝的生长。Drt-11 were,the lower rate of germination was. Treating over 24 h in the fermented liquid, the germination rate would reduce by 40%25-60%25. And the diameter of colony was 13.9%25 of CK.
- 太多tanto
- 仅存的版本the only existent copy
- 好多(adj) many
- 多年many years
- 完全正确的版本an immaculate text
- 多云cloudy