- 个人利益至上主义;认为个人的利益高于国家或集体利益的信念the doctrine that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group
- 艺术至上主义认为美是基本原则,是其他原则特别是道德原则产生之源泉的学说The doctrine that beauty is the basic principle from which all other principles, especially moral ones, are derived.
- 外貌profile
- 主义ism
- 至上supreme
- 属于理平头和聚在摇滚乐会或参加白人至上主义者的活动的英国或美国社团的年青人。A young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations.
- 大男子主义androcentrism
- 完美主义者completist
- 至上的uppermost
- 女权主义feminism
- 顾客至上supremacy of customers
- 理想主义idealism
- 素食主义者vegan
- 悲观主义pessimism
- 素食主义vegetarianism
- 理想主义者idealist
- 犬儒主义cynicism
- 结构主义structuralism
- 大男人主义male chauvinism
- 存在主义existentialism