- 我根据他的建议点了一份牛排。I ordered a steak at his suggestion.
- 这牛排坏了。This steak has gone off.
- 配以香菜的牛排a steak garnished with parsley
- 开始吃牛排to bite into one's steak
- 这牛排煎得恰到好处。The steak was done to a turn.
- 这牛排棒极了。The steak was really it.
- 从腰部嫩肉的厚端切下来的小块牛排。small steak cut from the thick end of a beef tenderloin.
- 点什么来配牛排呢?And with your steak?
- 吃牛排时用的餐刀steak knife
- 烤牛排是他的拿手好菜.His speciality is barbecued steaks.
- 我的这块牛排有点老,但不必介意,不要把服务员叫来。My steak is a bit tough,but please don't kick up a fuss and call the waiter.
- 牛排太老了,我咬不动它。The steak was so tough I couldn't eat it.
- 我给你搛一点牛排好吗?Shall I help you to some of the beef steak?
- 上星期五我们举行了炸牛排野餐会。We had a steak fry last Friday.
- 用叉子扎进牛排,看是否熟了。Stick your fork in the beefsteak to see if it is cooked.
- 餐车我要牛排和炒鸡蛋。I want to have beef steak and scrambled eggs.
- 你要牛排吗?Do you want a steak?
- 她做饭很不在行,而且所能做的也不过是排骨和牛排而已。She was a bad cook and could do little more than chops and steaks.
- 许多得克萨斯人喜欢食用三分熟的牛排,以确保肉质鲜嫩。Many Texans prefer their steaks grilled rare to ensure tenderness.
- 那牛排硬得他没法吃。The steak was so tough that he couldn't eat it.