- 夏威夷Hawaii
- 夏威夷群岛hawaiian islands
- "夏威夷是个新成立的州,离开美国大陆东海岸各州都很远。"The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states on the east coast of the continent.
- 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。A jazzy Hawaiian shirt.
- 新到夏威夷的人malihini
- 夏威夷州在1959年的立法条例中认可阿洛哈州为其官方通用名称。The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.
- 他去年夏天在夏威夷度假。He vacationed in Hawaii last summer.
- 他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.
- 我可以在夏威夷中途停留吗?Can I break my journey at Hawaii?
- 夏威夷州Hawaii
- 我想再去夏威夷度一次假。I would like to spend my holiday in Hawaii once more.
- 夏威夷的Hawaiian
- "我和我的未婚夫打算在夏威夷结婚,因为我们的家人住在那里。"My fiance and I are planning to be married in Hawaii because our families live there.
- 夏威夷群岛已不再是美国的属地.The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.
- 夏威夷菜,芋头捣碎成糊状,通常允许发酵。Hawaiian dish of taro root pounded to a paste and often allowed to ferment.
- 夏威夷以东南的密克罗尼西亚中的一组岛屿。a group of coral islands in Micronesia southwest of Hawaii.
- 夏威夷的日本人the Japanese population of Hawaii
- 夏威夷热[医] Hawaiian fever
- 夏威夷鼠[医] Rattus hawaiiensis
- 夏威夷蝎Hawaiian scorpion