- 制法:1.牛油和糖打起至忌廉状,加入啡糖、鸡蛋、麦片、夏威夷果仁和发粉混和拌匀,最后放入朱古力碎。Whip butter and sugar to cream form. Add brown sugar, egg, oatmeal, macadamia nuts and baking powder. Mix well. Add chocolate chips.
- 夏威夷Hawaii
- 夏威夷群岛hawaiian islands
- 果仁和木薯中毒kernel and cassava poisoning
- "夏威夷是个新成立的州,离开美国大陆东海岸各州都很远。"The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states on the east coast of the continent.
- 果壳裹着果仁。The nutshell includes the kernel.
- 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。A jazzy Hawaiian shirt.
- 奶油软糖常用红糖、奶油或牛奶、碎的坚果仁做成的软脂状蜜糖A fudgelike confection of brown sugar, cream or milk, and chopped nuts.
- 果仁蛋糕nut cake
- 新到夏威夷的人malihini
- 坚果仁这些坚果的仁The kernel of any of these.
- 夏威夷州在1959年的立法条例中认可阿洛哈州为其官方通用名称。The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.
- 在糕饼上洒了一点果仁put a sprinkle of nuts on the cake
- 他去年夏天在夏威夷度假。He vacationed in Hawaii last summer.
- 果仁和葡萄干nuts and raisins
- 他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.
- 边桃果仁冻Grand Marnier Cream with Marinated Peaches and Pistachio
- 我可以在夏威夷中途停留吗?Can I break my journey at Hawaii?
- 坚果仁,核仁nut meat
- 夏威夷州Hawaii