- 百慕大圆尾鹱cahow
- 短尾鹱Muttonbird
- 圆尾diphycercal tail
- 圆circle
- 拟圆尾gephyrocercal tail
- 圆尾鲎Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda
- 圆的roundish
- "夏威夷是个新成立的州,离开美国大陆东海岸各州都很远。"The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states on the east coast of the continent.
- 圆尾斗鱼paradise fish
- 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。A jazzy Hawaiian shirt.
- 圆环traffic circle
- 圆头pommel
- 圆尾麝鼠neofiber
- 圆管circular tube
- 字尾-er加到动词之后构成名词。The suffix -er is added to verbs to form nouns.
- 月圆full of the moon
- 鞍尾cantle
- 圆孔round orifice
- AT加尾A-T tailing
- 圆片wafer