- 白金汉宫Buckingham Palace
- 宫颈neck of uterus
- 宫保鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken
- 可是,小罗杰·梅森远在离夏乐特威勒布6千英里外的地方,正准备打篮球,而不是上学念书。Roger Mason Jr.,however,was over 6,000 miles away from Charlottesville,getting ready to hit the boards rather than the books.
- 宫颈糜烂cervical erosion
- 宫崎Miyazaki
- 逼宫force the king or emperor to abdicate
- 宫爆鸡丁chicken cubes in chilly sauce
- 宫颈炎cervicitis
- 宫缩uterine contraction
- 罗浮宫louvre
- 春宫porno
- 黄道十二宫signs of the zodiac
- 十二宫the zodiac
- 宫阙imperial palace
- 寝宫palace harem
- 宫腔uterine cavity
- 大明宫Daming Palace
- 进宫be put in prison; be sent to jail; be taken into custody
- 无忧宫sans souci