- 备书不读如藏书.A book that remains shut is but a block.
- 随便读许多书不如细细地读几本书。It is better to read a few books carefully than to read many at random.
- 读万卷书不如走万里路,走万里路不如阅人无数。To read ten thousand books is not better than to walk ten thousand li distance, and to walk t.
- 只读read only
- 备货stock up
- 藏书library
- 这本书不像该书护封上所描绘的那样好。This book fails to give what the blurb describes.
- 正如be just like
- 备有stock
- 指导书instructor
- 如有if any
- 备选optional
- 报告书proces-verbal
- 真正的程序员不读手册,相信参考是新手和胆小鬼的特点。Real Programmers don't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is the hallmark of a novice and a coward.
- 如是so
- 标书bidding documents
- 如花flowery
- 承认书acknowledgment
- 如上ibidem
- 如来Buddha