- 我妹说金牛座和狮子座的人处不来。My sister said that a Taurus won't get along with a Leo.
- 因为他有些自私,他和室友们处不来。He isn't compatible with his dormmates, because he is a little selfish.
- 他跟那些总想从他身上挖出花边新闻的记者处不来。He was not at ease with those reporters who were always hunting for succulent titbits from him.
- 她和同辈处不来。She doesn't relate well to her peers.
- 见老板时不要点烟,要不然,你和他一开始就会处不好。Don't light a cigarette when you meet the boss; you'll start off on the wrong foot.
- 经理换人,而我们又处不来。Management changed and we did not get along.
- 我们在迷宫里兜了好几个小时出不来。We were lost in the maze for several hours.
- 他对这一事件的描述接近于事实,但仍有几处不确切的地方。His description of the event approximated to the truth but there were raw inaccuracies .
- 别说是女人当不来, 就是三头六臂的男人, 还撑不住呢。No ordinary woman could manage it; no, not even a man with three heads and six arms!
- 我同那些小心眼儿的妇女处不来。I can't get along with those narrow-minded women.
- 矛盾之处不相符之处,不一致的例子An instance of divergence or disagreement.
- 良心这件会缠住什么人并导致其毁灭的东西,一点都不来打扰他。That thing conscience, which obsesses and rides some people to destruction, did not trouble him at all.
- 另外还有几处不大为人所知的天地隐藏在这个“小人国”州的角落里。Several other little-known worlds are tucked into corners of this Lilliputian state.
- “你拉一下门栓就行了,”奶奶大声说,“我身上没有力气,起不来。”Lift the latch, called out the grandmother, I am too weak, and cannot get up.
- 你可知道华文多难学,连我们新加坡孩子都读不来,你们行吗?”Do you know how difficult it is to grasp that language? Many Singaporean children cannot cope with it, your children will find it even more difficult especially when you are from ."
- 这是我的建议,尽管可能用处不大,你姑且听听Here's my advice, for what it's worth.
- 你能不能让一下?这位老太太过不来。Could you please move a little? The old lady can hardly squeez by.
- 巨大的太平洋令人陶醉之处不在大陆的海岸上,也不在沿海岸岛屿上。It is not on the shores of continents or in the coastal islands, that the soul of the great Pacific is found.
- 你觉得我应该来吗?我能不来就好了。Do you think I should come? I should be glad to be excused.
- 如何才能确定一个远处不能到达的物体的距离呢?How may we determine the distance to a remote and inaccessible body?