- 士兵在森林里安营.The soldiers are encamped in the forest.
- 士兵在森林里安营。The soldiers are encamped in the forest.
- 一个吃了败仗后与同伴失散了的士兵在森林里迷路了。A soldier, whose army had just lost a battle, got separated from the others and lost his way in a forest.
- 妈妈给女儿读了一个关于住在森林里,只在夜里出来的小精灵的故事。Mother read her daughter a story about the wee folk who lived in the forest and came out at night.
- 警察和志愿者们在森林里到处寻找动物园迷失的美洲狮。The police and the volunteers combed the forest for the lost puma from the zoo.
- 受伤的士兵在森林中艰难地行进。The wounded soldier struggled in the forest.
- 我对他为何在森林里的香味餐馆歇息的时候被捕感兴趣。I'm interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest.
- 一些士兵在森林深处的一个前哨基地等候。Some soldiers waited at an outpost deep in the forest.
- 早期移民来这里时,他们不得不在森林里劈出一块空地来种庄稼。When the early settlers came here,they had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops.
- 猎手们在森林里开出了一条路。The hunters hewed a path through the jungle.
- 母亲为我讲一个有关小仙人的故事,他们住在森林里,晚上才出来。Mother read me a story about the wee folk who lived in the forest and came out at night.
- 她在森林里迷了路。She got lost in the forest.
- 每次我在森林附近或是进到森林里时,都能感觉到有充满恶意的灵异物的存在。Whenever I am around the woods or in them I truly feel a malevolent presence.
- 在森林里露宿to bivouac in the forest
- 他沿途在森林里的树上刻记号以标示路径。He blazed a path through the forest.
- 向导在森林里给旅游者带错了路。The guide misled the tourists in the woods.
- 他在森林里迷了路。He got lost in the forest.
- 莉莉在森林里迷了路。Lily lost her way in the woods.
- 孩子们在森林里漫步。The children wandered in the woods.
- 在森林里很容易迷失方向。It is so easy to lose one's bearings in the woods.