- 士兵从右至左报数。The soldiers numbered off, starting from the right-hand man.
- 士兵从右至左报数.The soldiers numbered off,starting from the right-hand man.
- 从右至左的[医] dextrosinistral
- 教师叫孩子们自右向左报数。The teacher told the children to count off from right to left.
- 从右至左对位进行编号。Number the bits from right to left.
- 士兵从右报数。The soldiers numbered off ,starting from the right-hand man .
- 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.
- 阿拉伯文是从右至左读的。Arabic script reads from right to left.
- 士兵报数时不得出错。The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.
- 全营士兵从指挥官面前列队走过。The battalion marched past their commanding officer.
- 右至左分流right-to-left shunt
- 士兵从右边开始报数。The soldiers numbered off, straight from the right-hand man.
- 那个士兵从敌人监狱里跑出来了。The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.
- 右至左心分流right-to-left shunt
- 当护士给他擦洗伤口时,士兵从牙缝里吸气。When the nurse cleaned his wound,the soldier sucked air in between his teeth.
- 他击出腾空球至左外场被守方球员接住而出局。He flied out to left field.
- 从右后卫改打中后卫不是件容易的事,他的完成却可圈可点。Shifting from RB to CB is not easy but Paulo has done a commendable job there.
- 有个士兵从沙里挖出炸断的手臂,绝望地蹒跚向前,试图赶上小队。One soldier scoops his severed arm off the sand,staggering on in a desperate attempt to keep up with his squad.
- 心脏右至左分流Right to left shunt
- 发作时,病人胸骨后部或左前胸出现阵发性绞痛、闷痛或压榨性痛感,疼痛可放射至左肩、左上肢及肢端。The patient feels paroxysmal colic, obtuse pain or press sensation of pain in the back-breastbone or left prothorax when angina pectoris attacks.