- 国际工程投标商(承包商)资质的编制Qualified Requirements for International Engineering Bidders (Contractors)
- 基于蒙特卡罗的随机投标商人数决策问题Competitive Bidding Based on Monte -Carlo with a Stochastic Number of Bidders
- 投标商bidder
- 境外outside (a country's) borders
- 合格的投标商eligible bidder
- 投标(v) submit a bid
- 对投标商的价格、产品质量规格和交付时间进行对比,优者得标。Compares prices, specifications and delivery dates and awards contract to bidders.
- 未被邀请的投标商[经] unsolicited bidders
- 境外机构external institution
- 国境外的transfrontier
- 他父亲是木材商。His father is a timber merchant.
- 投标书application for tenders
- 境外投资overseas investment
- 建筑商答应加速修理。The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
- 境外生产offshore production
- 投标文件bidding documents
- 布朗先生是个家具商。Mr. Brown is a dealer in furniture.
- 在中国境外的所得income earned outside China
- 那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。That company supplies paper to the printers.
- 投标保证金tender bond