- 塞缪尔·贝克特是一个荒诞派戏剧作家。Samuel Beckett wrote absurd theatre.
- “光亮闪了一会儿,然后马上又变成了黑夜” (塞缪尔·贝克特)。"The light gleams an instant, then it's night once more" (Samuel Beckett).
- 贝克特Beckert
- 塞缪尔Samuel
- 英国女外长贝克特You can't imagine Margaret Beckett
- 贝克特:小说语言与情节的掘墓人Samuel Beckett: Gravedigger of Words and Plots of Novels
- 贝克特:戏剧对小说的改写Samuel Beckett and His Rewriting of Novels in Plays
- 塞缪尔中学毕业后上了大学,在剑桥大学化学得第一名。Samuel went on the university after school and got a first in chemistry.
- 贝克特欢迎美国部队计划Beckett welcomes US troop plans
- 贝克特欢迎美军计划-详情Beckett welcomes US troop plans - Details
- 这个数目超过了他剩余的积蓄(塞缪尔·巴特勒)。The sum exceeded the remnant of his savings(Samuel Butler.
- 论贝克特的荒诞派戏剧艺术On Samuel Beckett's Art of Absurdity
- 塞缪尔卧位Samuel position
- 否定之道:贝克特与虚无主义A Taste For The Negative: Beckett And Nihilism
- 塞缪尔氏卧位[医] Samuel's position
- 贝克特的荒诞人物及其哲学基础Fantastic Figure of Beckett and Its Philosophical Basis
- 用一种奇妙的,意想不到的方式,老塞缪尔给了伊丽莎白勇气。In a wonderful, unexpected way, it was old samuel who gave Elizabeth encouragement
- 从贝克特作品看荒诞派戏剧的特征The Works of Samuel Beckett and the Features of the Theatre of Absurd
- 塞缪尔天生具有才智。Samuel possessed wisdom from high.
- 塞缪尔正在读书。Samuel is reading a book.