- 塞内加尔Senegal
- 塞内加尔电影Senegal, cinema in
- 塞内加尔历史history of Senegal
- 塞内加尔的Senegalese
- 塞内加尔鳎Solea senegalensis
- 塞内加尔雀Lagonosticta senegala
- 塞内加尔共和国Senegal
- 来自塞内加尔河附近地区。from the vicinity of the Senegal river.
- 一个塞内加尔土著或居民。a native or inhabitant of Senegal.
- 塞内加尔首都和最大城市。the capital and largest city of Senegal.
- 塞内加尔进步联盟Progressive Union of Senegal
- 塞内加尔药典La Pharmacopee Senegalaise
- 塞内加尔鹦鹉Poecephalus senegalus
- 沃洛夫语这个民族的西大西洋语言,作为混合语在塞内加尔广泛使用The West Atlantic language of this people, widely used as a lingua franca in Senegal.
- 塞内加尔[国名]senegal
- 塞内加尔[人]的senegalese
- 塞内加尔电视台Senegalese Television
- 塞内加尔合金欢hashab
- 塞内加尔河开发组织Organization for the Development of the Senegal River
- 塞内加尔通讯社Senegal Press Agency