- 小人国Lilliput
- 小人书picture-story book
- 现在有些零件是由塑料或类似的材料制造的。Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff.
- 我们鄙夷势利小人。We disdain a man for his snobbishness.
- 用塑料包装食品to swathe food with a plastic bag
- 势利小人snob
- 这些是塑料花。These flowers are made of plastics.
- 你这无耻小人!You little crumb!
- 塑料喷头Plastic Nozzle
- 塑料首字母initial of precious meta
- 傲慢的势利小人。a supercilious snob
- 度塑料Waste-PE
- 他是个市井小人。He was a mean fellow of the marketplace.
- 烧蚀性塑料ablative plastics
- 小人得志a small man intoxicate by success; villains holding sway
- 塑料钩plastic hook
- 鼠辈,卑鄙小人令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人A despicable, sneaky person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.
- 塑料棚plastic film covered shed
- 那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
- PE塑料PE plastic