- 堕degenerate
- 他的解释使我如堕五里雾中。I am quite at sea in regard to his explanation.
- 堕甑不顾pay no heed to the fallen cooking pot; not take into consideration the fallen rice steamer; not cry over the spilt milk
- 文化堕距cultural lag
- 发堕alopecia
- 怠堕truancy
- 堕坠falling down
- 堕马fall off horse
- 伤堕asthenic lumbago and abdominalgia
- 堕地To fall down to the ground.
- 坠堕伤trauma due to a fall
- 怠堕的lazy
- 堕神指环Ring Of The Fallen God
- 堕神护符Amulet Of The Fallen God
- 堕积的hypostatic
- 在堕星海The Sea of Fallen Stars
- 理念堕距conceptual lag
- 鸢堕腐鼠He who is puffed up with pride and luxury is bound to a fall
- 堕式斜撑drop type sprag
- 制度堕距institutional lag