- 幽灵ghost
- 幽灵的ghosty
- 基辅战役Kiev, Battle of
- 他说在梦中他看见了他亡妻的幽灵。He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife.
- 基辅的圣索菲亚大教堂及相关建筑和基辅佩切尔斯克拉维拉Kiev: Saint Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
- 基辅旅游Travel and hotel guide for Kiev
- 幽灵死人的鬼魂The ghost of a dead person.
- 得基辅康会Drug Addict Counselling and Rehabilitation Services [DACARS]
- 她声称看到过亡夫的幽灵。She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband.
- 这是一艘航空母舰,名叫“基辅”,曾是令前苏联引以为豪的军事装备。It is an aircraft-carrier, the Kiev, once the proud possession of the Soviet Union.
- 一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。A ghostly figure appeared on the stage.
- 口蘑基辅鸡卷Russian style chicken
- 饥饿的幽灵在这片土地上游荡The specter of famine walks through the land.
- 希拉里翁(基辅的)Hilarion OF KIEV
- 大多数主人对最前面的幽灵人质的敌对态度几乎到了极顶。Most hosts are hostile to the foremost ghost hostage almost to the utmost.
- 基辅式黄油鸡卷Breaded Chicken Roll with Stuffing Butter of Kiev
- 他亡父的幽灵the phantom of his dead father
- 伊西多尔(基辅的)Isidore OF KIEV
- 我不由自主地盯着她看,好像她是一个幽灵。I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.
- 基辅被夷为平地。Kiev was razed to the ground.