- 职工岗位培训标准制定的原则与实践Principles and Practice of Making Criteria for Staff and Workers'Post Training
- 标准standard
- 培训to cultivate
- 可访问健康信息的人员的培训标准指南Standard Guide for Training of Persons who have Access to Health Information
- 标准的normal
- 《劳动法》规定,国家实行最低工资保障制度和带薪年休假制度,并规定了工时标准、劳动安全卫生标准、女职工特殊保护标准、职业培训标准。The Labor Law stipulates that the state implement a minimum wage guarantee system and a paid annual vacation system,in addition to standards for work hours,labor security and health,with special protection for women workers,and standards for professional training.
- 国际标准international standard
- 标准英语Queen's English
- 培训中心training centre
- 培训师trainer
- 标准差root-mean-square error (RMS error)
- 培训机构training organization
- 符合标准to comply with a standard
- 技术标准technology standard
- 培训生cadet
- 标准时间slow time
- 职业培训job training
- 培训学校training school
- 标准偏差standard deviation
- 技术培训technically training