- 面包bread
- 烤面包toast
- 白面包challah
- 稻穗金黄。The ears of paddy are ripe and golden.
- 烤面包机toaster
- 那个剧本被错误地认为是培根的作品。That play was wrongly attributed to Bacon.
- 她一直在寻找长得特别好的稻穗做种子。She was always on the lookout for extra good ears of rice for seed.
- 面包师doughhead
- 水稻穗型rice panicle type
- 全麦面包whole-wheat bread
- 田里稻穗飘香,I smelt the fragrance of rice ears.
- 面包圈bagel
- 水稻穗行圃建设的探讨Discussion on Use of an Ear-to-row Method in Rice Garden
- 水稻穗部性状研究进展Research Advance of Rice Ear Trait
- 牛角面包croissant
- 水稻穗颈瘟的发生原因分析Analyze the reason of occurrence about neck rot disease of rice
- 请给我一大杯鲜奶,半个木瓜,培根煎蛋,烤面包及咖啡。I want a large glass of fresh milk, one half of papaya, scrambled eggs with bacon, toast and coffee, please.
- 寒地水稻穗肥的施用效果分析Effectiveness analysis about using earing fertilizer in cold field
- 面包不太新鲜。This bread is a little bit stale.
- 水稻穗期病虫害总体防治探讨Research on the Control of Diseases and Pests in Rice Heading Stage