- 恒压肾盂灌注试验诊断上尿路梗阻的临床研究Clinical study of constant pressure perfusion of the renal pelvis in diagnosing upper urinary tract obstruction
- 45例行膀胱灌注试验确诊 ,2例因尿道断裂行尿道会师术时发现。45 cases were finally diagnosed with bladder perfusion,2 were found in urethra reunion operation because of urethra disruption.
- 连续灌注试验continuous perfusion test
- 放射性灌注试验radiologic acid-perfusion test
- 食管酸灌注试验esophageal acid perfusion test
- 食管酸灌注试验(Bernstein)Esophagus acid perfusion test(Bernstein)
- 双孢菇母种培养基优选试验Relationship between the Blossom and Planting Time in Green Chinese Onion
- 当时他们在试验一件新武器。They were testing a new weapon then.
- 任何一种用琼脂作胶凝剂的培养基。any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent.
- 细胞内灌注(法)intracellular perfusion
- 保存培养基conservative medium
- 做血糖试验to test for blood sugar
- 无菌培养基an axenic culture medium
- 用盐水进行肝脏灌注to perfuse a liver with salt solutions
- 他们正在试验那种新方法。They are trying out the new method.
- 混凝土灌注concrete spouting
- 卵黄培养基egg yolk medium
- 补加培养基supplemented medium
- 冷灌注cold perfusion
- 他正在试验治疗肝炎的药。He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis.