- 高原兔部分脏器的组织结构观察Histological observation on part organs in Lepus oiostolus
- 埃塞俄比亚高原Abyssinian Plateau
- 林区高原兔发生成因分析及控制Analyze and Control on Rabbit Happened Reasons in Forest Region
- 埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水和月亮山上融化的积雪,为尼罗河提供了无穷无尽的水源。And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed.
- 兔rabbit
- 定标埃塞俄比亚高原排水网中的不同侵蚀表面Scaling of differentially eroded surfaces in the drainage network of the Ethiopian Plateau
- 译:埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水和的融雪,为尼罗河提供了无尽的水源.As rain fell in Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed.
- 小兔leveret
- 尼罗河发源于埃塞俄比亚高原,那里融化的冰雪致使河水年年泛滥。"The annual flooding is caused by the melting snows on the high Ethiopian plateau, from where the Nile originates. "
- 埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水,和月亮山上融化的积雪使尼罗河水不断更新。And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed.
- 埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水和月亮山上融化的积雪,为尼罗河提供了无穷无尽的水源。And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed.
- 狡兔三窟a crafty person has more than one hideout
- 由于有埃塞俄比亚高原上的雨水和月亮山上融化的积雪,尼罗河被不断地更新着。As rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the Nile was everlastingly renewed.
- 鼠兔pika
- 龟兔赛跑the race between tortoise and rabbit
- 安哥拉兔Angora rabbit
- 高原鼠兔昼夜摄食量和饮水量的观察Observation for Ingestion Volume and Water Consumption of plateau pike in One Day
- 一个埃塞俄比亚的海儿赛拉西的追随者的好战的黑人宗教。a militant black religion of the followers of Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.
- 说北埃塞俄比亚语的闪族人。a member of the Semitic speaking people of northern Ethiopia.
- 兔死狗烹kill the hounds for food once the hares are bagged