- 区分排放标准"型式核准"与"销售"执行时间Distinguish the Execution Time of Emission Standard "Type Approval" and "Sale"
- 核准sanction
- 型式version
- 型式试验type approval test
- 核准的authorized
- 委员会核准了这建议。The committee gave its amen to the proposal.
- 结构型式structural shape
- 预先核准prior approval
- 阿尔蒙多项滞后型式Almon scheme of poly nomical lag
- 核准书written authorization
- 阿尔蒙滞后型式Almon's lag scheme
- 转让注册商标经核准后,予以公告。The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved.
- 伴流型式wake pattern
- 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。The tax inspector agreed the figures.
- 变换型式reform
- 委员会核准该预算案。The committee approved the budget.
- 标准型式standard model
- 续展注册经核准后,予以公告。Any renewal of registration shall be published after it has been approved.
- 爆破钻孔型式firing pattern
- 机器的核准[检定]verification of machines