- 垄monopolize
- 哈克是个逃奴。Huck was a fugitive slave.
- 三宝垄semarang
- 偷入北军的黑奴美国南北战争期间逃到或被带到北军战线后方的逃奴An escaped slave during the Civil War who fled to or was taken behind Union lines.
- 海浪推动沙子形成了小小的沙垄。The waves had pushed the sand into little ridges.
- 奴颜卑膝的行为An obsequious act.
- 垄沟与沟之间的垄A ridge between furrows.
- 废奴运动Abolishment of slavery.
- 垦地作垄to ridge the land
- 逃奴追缉法Fugitive Slave Law
- 垄作hill culture
- 逃亡黑奴后裔A descendant of such a slave.
- 挨垄施肥applicafion from ridge to ridge
- 美国废奴运动Abolition Movement in United States
- 按垄疏伐line thinning
- 澳洲美利奴羊Australian Merino
- 多铧犁一种具有几个能翻平行垄的刀口的犁A plow equipped with several blades that make parallel furrows.
- X奴X nu
- 把垄犁翻rafter
- 变性育奴蚁degenerate slave makers