- 在草原上,例如非洲坦尚尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原,由于食物和水份充足,雌马会一起觅食,并形成稳定的群体。In the grasslands, such as the Serengeti Plain of Tanzania, abundant forage and water allow females to feed together and thus to form stable groups.
- 尼采Nietzsche
- 尼康Nikon
- 尚可tolerableness
- 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
- 尚有more
- 尼桑Nissan
- 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania
- 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits.
- 尚需still need
- 汉尼拔hannibal
- 那个谜尚待解开。The mystery remains to be dissolved.
- 尼日Niger
- 这个计划尚在讨论中。The plan is still under discussion.
- 从孩提开始,坦尼森就对词语的发音着了迷。From childhood on Tennyson was fascinated by the sound of words.
- 这一时尚曾风靡全国。The craze swept the country.
- 腓尼基Phenicia
- 芬尼pfennig
- 有好几个问题尚待解决。Several problems remain to be solved.
- 他的计划尚不具体。His plan is not yet concrete.