- 刚毅与勇猛不同。Fortitude is distinct from valor.
- 他有坚毅顽强的精神。He had a firm and indomitable spirit.
- 他的性格非常刚毅。He is of a resolute and steadfast disposition.
- 坚毅的人a man with plenty of sand in him
- 勇敢的骑士;一个在军队中有着活跃的事业的、刚毅的人。a stalwart knight; a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army.
- 坚毅的个性a fortitudinous character
- 他是刚毅的典范。He is a fair specimen of manhood.
- 那些缺乏内在坚毅的人往往会成为那些自律性很强的人的牺牲品。People who lack internal fortitude often become victims of those who have self-discipline.
- 刚毅的人a man of resolve
- 表情坚毅A steely show of determination
- 他两眼闪耀着刚毅的光芒。His eyes flashed with resolution.
- 李顺信将军的性格坚毅.General Lishunxin's character is fortitude.
- 刚毅果决resolute and daring
- 坚毅刚健Firmness and Persistence
- 刚毅木讷Resolute and not eloquent
- 黑色的坚毅black determination
- 并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude.
- 深红坚毅腰带Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
- 刚毅精神fortitude
- 在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅。Below his preternatural affability there is some acid and steel.