- 2-块AOR迭代解最小二乘问题的最优收敛性Optimal Convergence of Two-Block AOR Iteration for Solving Least Square Problems
- 本文推广了解线性方程组的AOR迭代法,给出了块AOR迭代法(BAOR迭代法).In this paper, the block accelerated overrelaxation (BAOR) methods are proposed, which generalized the AOR iterative methods for the solution of linear systems.
- 并将固定点迭代法用于求解非线性的Euler方程,且证明了此迭代法的全局收敛性;Fixed-point iteration is used to solve the difficulty raised from nolinear of Euler equation and its glob; i.
- 一类迭代法的迭代阵谱半径的收敛性分析A Constringent Analysis of Iterative Chart Radius of the First Type Iterative Method
- 在此基础上,讨论了系数矩阵A为(1,1)相容次序矩阵、Jacobi迭代矩阵的特征值为复数时AOR迭代法的收敛情况,给出一个判定收敛的条件,扩充了A.In this paper,the convergence of AOR iterative was discussed when the coefficient matrix of linear system is a (1,1) consistently ordered matrix and the eigenvalues of Jacobi iterative matrix are complex numbers.
- 并从理论上证明了它的收敛性,用实验验证了它与PageRank算法在收敛结果上的吻合性。Its convergence is proved in theory and the uniformity between its results and that of PageRank algorithm is further verified through the experiments.
- 关于AOR迭代法的研究On the Study of AOR Iterative Method
- 数值法的收敛性convergence of numerical methods
- AOR迭代法AOR iterative method
- 摘要给出了构造多项式序列的一种方法,并采用分析的方法证明该序列的一致收敛性。A method for making polynomial train is given, and the uniform convergence of the train is proved by means of analysis method.
- 平衡迭代法balance and iteration method
- 关于AOR方法的收敛性On Convergence of AOR Method
- 修正迭代法modified iteration method
- 推广的AOR方法的收敛性On the Convergence of the Ceneralized AOR Method
- 解块非线性方程组简化Newton迭代法的一种并行实现方案A parallel implementation scheme for the simplified Newton iteration method for solving block-nonlinear equation systems
- 一族中间意义下的渐近拟非扩张映象隐式迭代序列的强收敛性Strong Convergence of an Implicit Iteration Sequence for a Finite Family of Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings in the Intermediate Sense
- SOR和AOR迭代收敛的新判别准则NewCrjteria of Convergence of the SOR and AOR Iterations
- 矩阵迭代法;矩阵迭代法matrix iteration
- 背景相异像素迭代法different background pixel iteration algorithm