- 风险risk
- 风险投资risk investment
- 这家公司被坏账所压倒。The company was drowned in bad debts.
- 承担风险take a risk
- 风险评估exposure rating
- 计提坏账准备应注意的问题Advertent Problems in Bringing Bad Debt Preparation
- 浅析医院坏账损失的核算方法Analysis on the check method of the bad debts loss in the hospital
- 降低风险risk reduction
- 企业估计坏账损失的方法及应用Methods for the enterprises to estimate bad debt losses and its application
- 冒风险stick one's chin out
- 浅论新旧会计制度坏账损失核算差异An Understanding of Accounting Difference in the Loss by Bad Accounts Between the New Accounting System and the Old One
- 规避风险avoid risk
- 关于新旧会计制度中坏账损失处理的比较The comparison of the handling the loss of bad debt between in the new accountant system and the old one
- 高风险high risk
- 我国出口企业高坏账率现象剖析及对策研究Research on the phenomena of huge bad debt in Chinese export enterprises and our countermeasures
- 风险控制risk control
- 分散风险spread risk
- 银行的企业银行业务和消费银行业务的坏账水平均已降低。It has brought down bad-debt levels at both the corporate and consumer banking operations.
- 风险分析risk analysis
- 上述分录中借记的坏账损失像其他费用一样结转到收益汇总账户。account created by the debit part of the entry is closed into the Income Summary account in the same manner as any other expense account.