- 坏spoiled
- 欲longing
- 坏的wicked
- 外教foreign teacher
- 坏了there's sth. wrong with ...
- 意欲conation
- 教化civilize
- 变坏go to the bad
- 色欲lust
- 教子godson
- 坏脾气ill temper
- 纵欲lechery
- 清教Puritanism
- 最坏的worst
- 欲盖弥彰the more one tries to cover up (a secret, etc.) the more it will be known
- 摩门教Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- 坏消息Job's news
- 教母godmother
- 占有欲的possessive
- 不坏notamiss