- 原始社会时期株洲地区社会经济发展状况研究Researches on Social and Economic Development of Zhuzhou in the Age of Primitive Society
- 西北地区社会网络化水平指数法测评The Measurement and Evaluation of the Social Network Level in Northwest Areas Using Index Method
- 分形理论在地区社会经济发展影响度研究中的应用Application of Fractal Theory in Effluence Research of Area Social Economy Development
- 摘要三苏南地区社会保障一体化的构建是城乡一体化和经济一体化的必需要求。The construction of social security integration in the South Jiangsu is the necessary requirement flit the integration of urban and countryside as well as economy.
- 他们的行为举止必须得到社会的认可才行。They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.
- 这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。Food and fuel were scarce in this region.
- 这一习俗在整个地区盛行。This custom prevails over the whole area.
- 这地区过去有个军事基地。There used to be a military base in the region.
- 经济-社会发达地区economic and social developed districts
- 论民族地区小康社会建设On Building a Well-off Society in the Region Inhabited by the Minority Ethnic Groups
- 英国的社会资本与地区经济Social capital and regional economies in Britain; Terrence Casey
- 云南民族地区和谐社会的演进A Historical Account of Building a Harmonious Society in the Minority Area of Yunnan Province
- 各地区社会消费品零售总额。Retail Sales of Social Consumer Goods by Region.
- 自然灾害与上海地区社会发展Natural Hazards and Social Development in Shanghai
- 论西部民族地区驻军的社会工作On Social work of the Army to the Western Ethnic Region
- 明代两湖地区的宗藩与地方社会Princes and Local Society in Hubei-Hunan District in Ming Dynasty
- 苏南地区社会福利事业发展初探A Miracle Staged in The Ancient Silk Town
- 西部民族地区社会和谐发展研究A Study of the Harmonious Social Development in the Multi-ethnic Region of West China
- 东北地区社会保障适度水平分析An Analysis on Optimal Social Security Level in North east China