- 地上的树已清除.The land was cleared of trees.
- 新种的树已在地下生了根。The newly planted tree has taken root into the ground.
- 清除eliminate
- 所有的树已被锯成原木。All the trees have been sawn up into logs .
- 清除内容clear contents
- 倒在地上的树不久即腐烂。A fallen tree soon rots.
- 路上的雪已清除。The road is clear of snow now.
- 秋天里所有的农民都喜气洋洋地从自家的树上收摘苹果。In autumn all the peasants are happy to pick apples from their own trees.
- 太阳晒干了地上的潮气。The sun dries the moisture on the ground.
- 清除格式clear format
- 地上的坑里积满了水。Water filled the depressions in the ground.
- 这棵树已活了几千年。The tree is millennially old.
- 有意见认为,即使硬碟经过资料清除程序,仍有可能透过特别技术重组,而查阅到已清除的资料。There is a concern that, though the classified information has been cleared from the computers, the data may be reconstructed through special programmes techniques.
- 被冻牢在地上的车轮wheels frozen to the ground
- 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
- 这一段河面总是有阴影,因为河两岸的树都伸到河面上来了。The river is always shady here because trees hang over from either side.
- 电压:一般、严重电压问题已清除Voltage: Generic Critical Voltage Problem Cleared
- 这棵病树已生长了好几百年了。The sick tree is several hundred years old.
- 什么样的树结什么样的果。Different trees bear different fruits.
- 电源设备:严重电源设备问题已清除Power Supply: Critical Power Supply Problem Cleared