- 在将来的一段时间里.For a period of time in the future.
- 第三点意见表明缠足起源在唐朝衰亡以后更晚的一段时间里。The third belief argues that footbinding originated much later than the collapse of the Tang Dynasty.
- 在接下来的一段时间里,他们仍需要依靠镇定剂和氧气管维持生命。They were expected to remain sedated and using breathing tubes for days.
- 稳住还价不易。希望说服卖方,看在将来的面上予以接受。Bid secure with difficulty persuade seller accept for futures sake.
- 因此,大概在20或25年长的一段时间里,我们将继续使用现有的武器装备。So,there's a period there that's going to be probably twenty years long,twenty or twenty-five years long,where we're going to live with the equipment that we have now.
- 督学把更多时间花在将来的计划上,而校长则处理学校的日常问题。The superintendent spends more time on plans for the future,and the principal handles the day to day problems of the school.
- 订单应用程序将来的一项工作是严格遵守这个概要文件中展示的规则。One future work item of the purchase order application is to follow exactly the rules laid out in this profile.
- 在将来的形势之下,什么党派都是不能和共产党争群众的。In the emerging situation,no other party will be able to compete with the Communist Party in winning over the masses.
- 最近的,属于或发生于现时之前很短一段时间里的Of,belonging to,or occurring at a time immediately before the present
- 正如您所知道的,我想在市场贸易的其他领域获得新的经验,已经有一段时间了。But as you know, for some time I have wanted to gain additional experience in other areas of marketing.
- 运气好的一段时间a streak of good luck
- 倘若你的美好祝愿能在将来实现一半,我们就是相当幸福的一对了!If the future holds only half the fine things you hope for us,we'll be lucky indeed!
- 很长一段时间里我都很自责。For a long time I blamed myself.
- 在那段时间里由于我的鼻子不太通气,晚上常常醒来感到口里和喉咙干得难受。Because I couldn't breathe properly through my nose at that time, I used to wake up at night with my mouth and throat as dry as paper.
- 在相对短的一段时间。There had been a huge expansion of credit over a relatively short period of time.
- 很长的一段时间他都属于英联邦。He belongs to very long period of time the British Commonwealth.
- 在这一星期的时间里,蒙台梭利提出了社会女权主义的议题。For one week, Montessori brought the principles of social feminism to life.
- 是中国一年中最有节日气氛的一段时间,is the most festive time of the year in China
- 在这段时间里,编辑等的不耐烦了,因为杂志很快就要付印。Meanwhile,the editor was getting impatient,for the magazine would soon got to press.
- 一段时间来他在她面前一直声誉不佳。He has been in bad odor with her for some time.