- 在城郊的新商业区.a commercial development on the outskirts of the town
- 有一天晚上,我们在城郊的野地上露营,当晚仅我一人独自留在营地,其他同学都进城去了。Camping in a field on the edge of a town we were traveling near, I found myself alone one night. The other students were in town.
- 为建立新商业区,我们已正式提出获得计划允许的申请。We have formally applied for plan permission for the new shopping precinct.
- 工厂建在城郊的现代工业区。The factory is built on a modern industrial estate on the outskirts of the city
- 巴顿先生住在城郊的一个镇上。Mr. Barton lived in a suburban town.
- 工厂坐落在城郊的一个大工业区。The factory is on a large industrial estate on the outskirts of town.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 城郊的新住宅楼发展得十分迅速。New housing estates have mushroomed on the edge of the town.
- 他装出喜欢他们的新车,但那只不过是他装腔作势而已。He pretended to be impressed by their new car but he was only acting a part.
- 史密斯先生住在城郊。Mr.Smith lives on the skirts of the town.
- 游客们常去城郊的古庙游览。Tourists frequent the old temple at the suburbs of the city.
- 这也许是我们在组织领域中所获得最富有成效的新见识。This is perhaps the most fruitful new insight we have in the field of organization.
- 两条路在城郊交叉。The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city.
- 她问我,我觉得她的新裙子怎么样,可是在我回答她之后,她却怒气冲冲地走了。She asked me what I thought of her new skirt, and when I told her she stalked off in a huff.
- 飞机从城郊的建筑物间掠过。The plane scythed through buildings in the city's suburbs.
- 手推车挨家挨户嘎吱在城郊漂亮的路上,每一次暴风雪都是灾难。Pushcarts creak from house to house along the posh suburban roads, and every bad snowstorm is a disaster.
- 他认为他的新微型电视机妙极了,因而他总是挂在嘴上。He thinks his new pocket television set is the cat's whiskers and is always talking about it.
- 斯旺西美国马萨诸塞州东南一镇,为瀑布河城郊的工业区。人口15,411A town of southeast Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Fall River. Population, 15,411.
- 你不断地在我的瓦罐里满满地斟上不同颜色不同芬芳的新酒。Thou ever pourest for me the fresh draught of thy wine of various colours and fragrance, filling this earthen vessel to the brim.
- (这种客栈通常位于城郊的环城主路的边上),为过往客人提供酒食及舞蹈和赌博的地方an inn (usually outside city limits on a main road) providing meals and liquor and dancing and (sometimes) gambling