- 在向东的方向.in an eastward direction
- (天文学)在天球上从西向东运动;或者指行星按地球运动的方向绕着太阳转。(astronomy) moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earth.
- 以风来说,因为香港的盛行风是东风,向东的方向较为当风。In terms of wind, it tends to get windier for an east-facing apartment because the prevailing wind in Hong Kong is from the east.
- 事情真的在向我希望的方向进行,我的事前准备好像在发生作用Thing is really going my way. It looks like my spadework is working.
- 轮船在向东行驶。The ship is working eastwards.
- 向东的方向eastwards
- 女王在向议会作报告之前总是要与她的顾问们交换意见。The Queen consults with her advisors before making a speech to Parliament.
- 对我方可能给你方在向用户供货方面带来的不便,我表示歉意。I'm sorry for any inconvenience we may caused you in meeting the orders of your clients.
- 黎明时分我们开始了向东的旅程。We began our eastward journey at dawn.
- 在向家的方向;在归途上的旅客。in a homeward direction; homeward-bound commuters.
- 我们向东旅行。We were traveling eastward.
- 那位白发男子仍然在煞费苦心,还在向他的下级助手讲解他所需要的究竟是什么呢。The white-haired man was still trying to explain what he wanted to the junior assistant.
- 向东的旅行an eastern trip
- 我们在前面说过,浪漫主义在向相反的方向发展。The romantic impulse, it has been seen, exerted a contrary pull.
- 他决定向东旅行。He decided to travel eastward.
- 在IBM的令牌环型网络中,一帧信息在向目的地传送路径上所通过的桥接器个数。In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the number of bridges through which a frame passes on the way to its destination.
- 地球从西向东旋转。The earth rotates from west to east.
- 我突然想到一个好主意,我们何不试试向相反的方向转一转呢!I've just had an inspiration: why don't we try turning it the other way!
- 船继续向东航行。The ship held an easterly course.
- 在他每走下一层楼的时候,他一直在向自己保证:越远越好...越远越好...越远越好。On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good.