- 圣诞节前的大笔花费.an orgy of spending before Christmas
- 事实上,虽然这并不象比尔·盖茨价值六千万美元的寓所那么昂贵,但在奥斯汀附近,将近二千二百万美元的大笔花费确实需要人下定很大的决心。True,it's not as expensive as Bill Gates's %2460 million digs,but around Austin it takes a major effort at conspicuous consumption to spend even %2422 million.
- 这个巧克力厂在圣诞节前的繁忙时期常常把一些生产任务分给转包人去做。The chocolate factory would often hive off some of its production to a sub-contractor during the busy period before Christmas.
- 前的prevenient
- 他们希望旅店在圣诞节前开张营业,所以加快了工程的进度。The hope of opening the hotel before Christmas lent wings to their work.
- 这笔花费已使我们的资金所剩无几.This expense has depleted our funds.
- 大笔pen
- 30多名党员已经退出了从前的党,成立了一个新的独立的党。Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
- 一大笔钱pretty penny
- 圣诞节前的减价销售吸引了大批顾客。The pre-Christmas sale attracted a throng of shoppers.
- 黎明前的predawn
- 诈骗某人的大笔金钱to stick someone with much money
- 谢谢邀请,很抱歉,由于商务繁忙不能前往。希望在圣诞节前能得到一叙。祝好。Thanks invitation however regret unable join owing business pressure hoping reunion before christmas best regard.
- 弗朗西斯在几年里就把他从祖父那里继承下来的一大笔财产挥霍光了。Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.
- 圣诞节前的忙碌the Christmas rush
- 他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。He dissipated his large inheritance.
- 许多选民都知道各党派在选举前的承诺只不过是空头支票,不会兑现的。Many voters know that the promises of different parties before an election are all just pie in the sky.
- 勒索者企图向他勒索一大笔钱。The blackmailer tried to extort a large sum of money from him.
- 圣诞节前花费的增加an increase in spending in the run-up to Christmas
- 他家拥有大笔财富。His family was possessed of a large fortune.