- 圣母玛丽在床上.the mary where is at the bed!
- 玛丽在床上熬夜写日记。Mary is sitting up in bed writing her diary.
- 推开门,看见玛丽安摊倒在床上,她几乎为悲恸所窒息。On opening the door she saw Marine stretched on the bed, almost chocked by grief.
- 这儿最大的蜘蛛也不会把人咬死但是它确实能使你在床上躺些日子哩。The biggest spider out here couldn't kill a person--but it sure could lay you up for a while.
- 他伸开四肢躺在床上。He is lying in a sprawl on the bed.
- 他醒着躺在床上。He lay awake in his bed.
- 包尔顿太太是个聪明人,很可能她夜里躺在床上,已把这些事合计过了。Very likely Mrs. Bolton, in her wisdom, had speculated upon these matters during the night.
- 玛丽已从昏迷中醒过来,躺在床上。Mary had recovered from her faint and was lying on the bed.
- “穆丽尔”她说道,“你给我念一下第四条诫律,它是不是说决不睡在床上什么的?”"Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?"
- 如果我87岁,在床上待一年什么也不做,我也会到88岁。If I am eighty- seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty eight.
- 孩子们在床上玩得很是快活,突然有一个孩子滚了下来。The children were playing merrily on the bed when one of them rolled off.
- 她用海绵把那生病的孩子周身擦洗一番,然后把他放在床上。She sponged the sick child down and put him to bed.
- 心情不好的时候我就去拿一些巧克力然后一个人呆在床上。When I feel melancholy, I get some chocolate and curl up in bed alone.
- 蔡真伸一个懒腰,转身就又倒在床上,那床架震得很响。Tsai Chen stretched, then turned and threw herself heavily on the bed again, making it creak noisily.
- 看来她已发现在床上他很乏味。当然啰,婚姻失败,夫妻双方都有责任。It appears that she found him uninteresting in bed. Well it takes two to make a marital failure.
- “放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。"Put it on the bed." Suchultz's expression, snakelike and livid, did not change.
- 靠近火的舒适角落;舒适的躺在床上;舒适、温暖的小房间。a cozy nook near the fire; snug in bed; a snug little apartment.
- 她为自己匆匆地准备了一顿清谈的晚餐,然后蜷缩在床上看起书来。She bustled around and fixed herself a quiet supper,then curled up with a book in bed.
- "真丢人,我应当在工作岗位上,而不是在这儿躺在床上。"It's a shame. I should be at work instead of lying here in bed.
- 靠近火的舒适角落;舒适的躺在床上;舒适、温暖的小房间a cozy nook near the fire; snug in bed; a snug little apartment