- 圣地亚哥San Diego
- 岛的insular
- 小岛isle
- 塞班岛Saipan
- 普吉岛Puji Island
- 环岛rotary island; roundabout
- 货轮那天晚上驶出了圣地亚哥湾。The freighter steered out of Santiago Bay that evening.
- 济州岛Jizhou Island
- 北岛North Island
- 岛港island harbo(u)r
- 千岛Thousand Islands
- 热岛效应tropical island effect
- 船向小岛划去。The boat pulled toward the islet.
- 罗德岛rhode island
- 金银岛Treasure Island
- 苏门答腊岛Sumatra
- 敌人被困在那个小岛上。The enemy were reduced to the small island.
- 吉之岛Jusco
- 一环小岛围绕着礁湖。A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon.
- 货物于上周用船运往该岛。The goods were shipped to the island last week.