- 土地被除数称为不动产.Land is referred to as realty.
- 土地被称为不动产.Land is referred to as realty.
- 分数,在算术中指两个数量相除的商,被除数称为分子,除数称为分母"fraction,In arithmetic, a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator. "
- 被除数dividend
- 贫瘠的土地已改成良田。The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.
- 大旱之后土地难耕。The land ploughs hard after the drought.
- 被除数串dividend string
- 我们从土地获取食物。We derive our sustenance from the land.
- 他自称为男爵。He styles himself Baron.
- 被除数地址操作数dividend address operand
- 这些土地上牧草茂盛。These lands afford good pasture.
- 不动产一般通过购买,遗产继承,遗赠和馈赠等方式获得。Real estate is generally acquired by purchase, by descent and devise, or by gift.
- 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.
- 沙漠是贫瘠的土地。The desert is barren land.
- 被除数长度操作数dividend length operand
- 把一个讲师误称为教授misaddressan instructor as professor
- 在这个国家土地全属国有。All the land belongs to the state in this country.
- 16是被除数。The number 16 is the dividend.
- 被追捕的狮和象称为大猎物。Lions and elephants are called big game when they are hunted.
- 这块土地曾是不毛之地。The land was denuded of vegetation.