- 他在圆山大饭店住了三天。He checked into the Grand Hotel for a three-day stay.
- 圆山大饭店订房单The Grand Hotel - Taipei
- 请你告诉我去圆山大饭店的路好吗?Could you show me the way to the Grand Hotel?
- 圆山大饭店是一家有新式设备的旅馆。Grand Hotel is a hotel with modern convenience.
- 当我们在外用餐时,通常都去圆山大饭店。When we eat out, we generally go to the Grand Hotel.
- 请问往圆山大饭店的免费交通车在那里等Where shall I wait for the shuttle bus to the Grand Hotel
- 从高速公路飞奔进入台北市区,经过重庆北路的出口,远远就看到位于左手处的圆山大饭店。As you enter Taipei via the Chungking North Road exit of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Freeway, in the distance to the left you can see the Grand Hotel.
- 大饭店Grand Hotel
- 我已经在格兰大饭店为你预定了房间。I've booked you in at the Grand Hotel.
- 中国大饭店China World Hotel
- 波特先生打算在接管的时候到华尔道夫大饭店大大庆祝一番。Mr. Porter planned a gala celebration at the Waldorf Astoria to coincide with the take-over.
- 这里是大饭店,下午好。Grand hotel. Good afternoon.
- 蜜月大饭店Honeymoon Hotel
- 北京长安戴斯大饭店:北京饭店-中国饭店北京饭店订房网Days Hotel Suites Beijing: Beijing Hotels - China Hotel Beijing Hotel Reservation
- 请载我到园山大饭店。Please take me to the Grand hotel.
- 华威大饭店Majestic giant hotel of China
- 事实上,除了在国际上大饭店,大部分的时候是不必付小费的。Actually,you aren't expected to tip in most places,except in international hotels.
- 首都大饭店Taiwan Capital Hotel
- 美琪大饭店Majestic Hotel
- 王府井大饭店Wang Fu Jing Grand Hotel