- 图片报报道:德国有个唱歌的,还演过白雪公主,最近因为拍了一个在浴缸里面的裸体造型,结果醉死等城圣诞节表演不要她了。A German singer who plays Snow White has lost her job at Dresden's Christmas fair after posing for nude photos in a bathtub, Bild newspaper said on Monday.
- 据德国《图片报》上周五消息,好莱坞巨星汤姆·克鲁斯和他的前妻妮可·基德曼将于9月齐现柏林,拍摄各自的电影。Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise and his ex-wife Nicole Kidman will be working on separate films in Berlin from September, German daily Bild reported on Friday.
- 德国《图片报》周四(8月17日)报道说,在东柏林的一座公寓里,一家7口正面临着被赶出户的遭遇,因为邻居抱怨他们夜间大声祈祷的声音扰得整栋楼的居民都睡不着。BERLIN (Reuters) - A seven-member family faces eviction from an east Berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night, a German newspaper said Thursday.
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