- 你的工作会用到扫描机吗?Will you be doing work that would require a scanner?
- 机machine
- 图像picture
- LED大屏幕图像扫描控制的实现Realization of Image Scanning Controls for LED Large Screen Display
- CT扫描机X线球管是否损坏的判断The Decision Whether the X-ray Tube Damage in CT Scanner
- 扫描scan
- 喷射印花的图像扫描技术的应用The Application of Image Scanning Technology in Jet Printing
- 脱机off-line
- 图像扫描控件找不到,请重新加载图像处理。The Image Scan control cannot be found. Reload Imaging.
- 饮水机bubbler
- 图像扫描过程中形变校正数学模型的建立方法The MatheMatical Model for DeforMation Correction In IMage Scanning
- 死机system halted
- 压机press
- 图像处理image processing
- 接机meet sb. at the airport
- 机箱chassis
- 图像扫描波动性定量标准及分形扫描矩阵的快速生成Measurement of Undulation on Image Scanning and a Fast Algorithm for Constructing Hilbert Scanning Matrix
- 播放机player (e.g. CD player)
- 数字图像处理digital image processing
- 扫描图sscannogram