- 所有标准的压力表都符合通用国际测量系统建议,并考虑了专门应用和技术标准的要求。All standard pressure gauges comply with general international recommendations for measuring systems and take requirements for specific applications and technical standards into consideration.
- 法国风景园林师联合会Federation of France Landscape Architects, FFP
- 国际测量会仪international measurement conference
- 国际测量工作者协会International Federation of Surveyors
- 世界商务策划师联合会World Business Strategist Association
- 过往,不少本地测量师行与国际尤其是英国同业合作,竞投大型国际项目。In the past, many local surveying firms partnered with international firms, mainly from the UK, to bid for large international projects.
- 世界职业治疗师联合会WFOT; World Federation of Occupational Therapists
- 联合会league
- 工料测量师quantity surveyor
- 测量师surveyor
- 拉丁美洲纺织化学师联合会;FELATURS; Latin American Federation of Textile Chemists;
- 学生联合会corps
- 收回市区土地及补偿安排-供业主,占用人及测量师参考的指引Land Resumption and Compensation in the Urban Area - Guidelines for Owner, Occupiers and Surveyors
- 师兄弟(senior and junior) fellow apprentice
- 国际制片人联合会International Federation of Film Producers Associations
- 三人行必有我师Two heads are always better than one
- 面包师doughhead
- 国际发展联合会Consortium for International Development
- 占卜师augur