- 详细资料可从以下国际汽车特别工作组IATF 的当地监督局得到Details can be obtained at the addresses of the local oversight bodies of IATF cited below.
- 国际汽车联合会Federation Internationale de L\\'Automobile(FIA)
- 中国国际汽车维修技术及设备、汽车零配件、汽车用品展览会China International Trade Fair for Auto Maintenance Technology and Equipment Automobile spare Parts and Accessories
- 堪萨斯国际汽车展Greater Kansas City International Auto Show
- 国际汽车摩托车展International car and motorcycle exhibition
- 国际汽车大奖赛Grand Prix
- 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车。I am deliberating whether or not to buy a new car.
- 国际汽车赛联合会International Motor Federation
- 外债统计国际工作组;IAKS; International Working Group on External Debt Statistics;
- 政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.
- 国际汽车竞赛运动委员会Commission Sportive Internationale auto racing
- 他在汽车修理厂当技工。He worked in a garage as a mechanic.
- 国际运动场建筑工作组;International Working Group for the Construction of Sports Premises;
- 汽车工业前途看好。The prospects of the car industry are brightening.
- 汽车滑进了沟里。The car slid into the ditch.
- 国际联合测试工作组Joint Test Action Group(JTAG)
- 汽车在平坦的高速公路上飞驰。The automobile spun over the smooth expressway.
- 这条宽阔的汽车道环湖伸展。The broad driveway sweeps around the lake.
- 国际医护工作组正在安哥拉。Teams of international medical workers are in Angola.
- 眼下汽车工业不太景气。There's a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.