- 国际收支手册;Manual of the Balance of Payment;
- 手册manual
- 该国家在国际收支上的不均衡the country's imbalance in world payment
- 国际收支balance of payments
- 国际收支弹性分析法elasticity approach to balance of payments
- 国际收支统计balance-of-payments statistics (BOP)
- 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to Hume's dictum.
- 国际收支的逆差必须进行融通资金。Deficits on the balance of payments have to be financed.
- 国际收支数据库Banco de Datos de Balanza de Pagos
- 国际收支均衡balance of international payment
- 国际收支风险balance of payments risk
- 国际收支结构Balance of Payments Structure
- 德国国际收支Germany's balance of payments
- 国际收支失衡Global imbalance
- 进出口是国际收支中的重要项目。Imports and exports are important elements in international balances of payments.
- 国际收支非均衡international imbalance of payments
- 国际收支双顺差International payment balance double favorable balance
- 国际收支贷方项目Credit entry in balance of payments
- 国际收支经常账户;Current account of the balance of payments;
- 国际收支借方项目Debit entry in balance of payments