- 成员是由国际扶轮社长指派。Members are appointed by the RI president.
- 国际扶轮是扶轮社的联合会。Rotary International is the association of Rotary clubs.
- 国际扶轮社长威罕?施当恒在他的致辞中,谈及许多存在扶轮中可能的事情。In his address, RI President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar talked about the many possibilities open to Rotary.
- 韩国扶轮社社员们庆祝李为韩国第一位提名为国际扶轮社长当选人。Korean Rotarians celebrate as Lee is named the first RI president-elect from Korea.
- 然后是国际扶轮社长施当恒真情流露的道别。Then it was time for a heartfelt farewell from RI President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar.
- 投影片上的国际扶轮秘书处办事处,哪一个负责协助贵地区的行政管理?Which office of the RI Secretariat listed on the slide is responsible for assisting with the administration of your district?
- 国际扶轮社Rotary International RI
- 除了密西根州之外,他们还到加拿大及国际扶轮世界总部。Besides Michigan, the group visited Canada and the RI World Headquarters.
- 扶轮国际的地方分会the local chapter of the Rotary club
- 每当媒体提到根除小儿?痹行动时,国际扶轮似乎经常被遗忘。Rotary International seems to be forgotten almost on a regular basis when the polio eradication initiative is mentioned in the media.
- 这些扶轮社的每一社都将获得由国际扶轮社长亲笔签名的奖状乙份。Each of these clubs receives a recognition certificate signed by the RI President.
- 去年我带2名扶少团团员到巴塞隆纳参加国际扶轮年会,让他们深刻体认扶轮的国际性。Last year, I took two Interactors to the RI Convention in Barcelona, impressing upon them Rotary's internationality.
- 国际扶轮为扶轮基金会之母。Rotary International is the mother of The Rotary Foundation.
- 而这类保险费用国际扶轮是不补偿的。Expenses incurred to obtain this insurance are not reimbursable by RI.
- 你将如何运用贵地区的国际扶轮社员协调人?How will you use Rotary International Membership Coordinators in your district?
- 联谊为基准,在这国际扶轮年会也不例外。Fellowship was the norm, not the exception, at this convention.
- 它是国际扶轮与各扶轮社职员的正式沟通桥梁。It is the carrier of official communications to Rotary club officers.
- 国际扶轮的成功主要是基于所有会员社的成功。The success of Rotary International depends largely on the success of its member clubs.
- Ches负责策划并组织了第一届‘国际扶轮社’大会。Ches took the laboring oar in outlining and organizing the first convention of Rotary clubs.
- 1999年,尤努斯在新加坡的国际扶轮年会受到推崇。In 1999, Yunus was honored at the RI Convention in Singapore.