- 本公约应仅对批准书已经局长登记的国际劳工组织各会员国具有约束力。This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of theInternational Labour Organiz ation whose ratifications have been registeredwith the Director-General of the International Labou r Office.
- 现时适用于香港的《国际劳工公约》有45条,数量较国际劳工组织大部分亚太区会员国为多。This compares favourably with most member states of the ILO in the Asia-Pacific region.
- 各成员国应充分考虑到国际劳工组织可能业已确立的任何记录海员事故的国际制度或模式。Each Member should have due regard to any international system or model for recording accidents to seafarers which may have been established by the International Labour Organization.
- 组织organization
- 此外,特区又以“中国香港”的名义参加国际劳工组织的区域性活动。The HKSAR also participated in regional activities of the ILO,using the name "Hong Kong,China".
- 根据国际劳工组织,每年有20万名工人因在工作时接触二手烟草烟雾而死亡。According to the International Labour Organization, 200 000 workers die every year due to exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke at work.
- 国际劳工公约international labor convention
- 国际劳工组织ILO
- 职业安全卫生国际劳工公约介绍ILO Conventions on Occupational Safety and Health
- 国际劳工组织大会,The General Conference of the International Labour Organization
- 现实已经证明,仅靠自愿批准国际劳工公约是不足以有效地实施国际劳工标准的。It has been proved that international labor standards cannot be effectively enforced only by means of voluntary ratification of conventions by ILO members.
- 国际劳工组织章程Constitution of the International Labour Organization
- 三方协商促进实施国际劳工标准公约Convention concerning Tripartite Consultation to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
- 劳工组织就业政策公约ILO Employment Policy Convention
- 劳工组织国际训练中心(国际训练中心) - 都灵,意大利International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC/ILO) - Turin, Italy
- 本公约的正式批准书应送请国际劳工局局长登记。The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated tothe Director-General of th e International Labour office for registration.
- 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)Organisation internationale du travail
- 这是香港回归祖国后,最早适用于香港特区的《国际劳工公约》。It was the first convention to be applicable to the HKSAR after China's resumption of sovereignty.
- 劳工组织关于消除最恶劣形式童工的公约ILO Convention on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
- 劳工组织专业与技术进修国际中心Centre International de perfectionnement professionnel et technique de l'OIT