- 曾经吸引大家注意力的原因是他购置了新房产,根据列克星敦的国际先驱导报的报道,新房产占地大概12,000平方英尺,并有照片为证。It has driven by his new house (12,000 square feet, as reported in the Lexington Herald-Leader -- picture included).
- 《亚洲华尔街日报》和《国际先驱论坛报》也在香港刊印。The Asian Wall Street Journal and the International Herald Tribune are also printed here.
- 《亚洲华尔街日报》和《国际先驱论坛报》也在香港刊The Asian Wall Street Journal and the International Herald Tribune are also printed here.
- 《国际先驱导报》International Herald Tribune
- 当11月8日来临的时候,整个世界静静等待美国把一团糟的大选结果弄清楚,我开始收集我的报纸《国际先驱论坛报》。When November 8 dawned and the world froze waiting for America to straighten out that messy election result,I began saving my newspapers,the International Herald Tribune.
- 一位西方知识分子在《国际先驱论坛报》发表的一篇文章声称,东亚并不代表任何正面的价值观。One Western intellectual contended, in an op-ed essay in the International Herald Tribune, that East Asia did not represent any positive values.
- 他们打算召开一次国际博览会。They are going to hold an international exposition.
- 前人,先驱先行者或先驱A forerunner or predecessor.
- 纽约是个国际大都会。New York is a very cosmopolitan city.
- 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂。Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement.
- 现在仍不知道哪个国家主办国际网球锦标赛。It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.
- 先驱电子precursor electron
- 阳历五月一日是国际劳动节。In the solar calendar, May the first is International Labor Day.
- TiCl4先驱物TICl4 precursor
- 他已从默默无闻之辈而成为国际上的名人。He has risen from obscurity to international fame.
- 现代艺术的先驱the progenitors of modern art
- 这种言论与良好的国际关系不协调。Such statements are not in accord with sound international relations.
- 使用X光的先驱Pioneer in use of X-rays
- 餐馆就在国际饭店的街对面。The restaurant is across the street from the International Hotel.
- 计算机方面的先驱a computer pioneer