- 《国际云图》International Cloud Atlas
- 图diagram
- 图库gallery
- 卫生云图cloud atlas sent back by a meterological satellite; satellite cloud picture
- 卫星云图satellite cloud picture
- 卫星云图时间为地面接收系统完成接收卫星数据的时间。The time of the satellite image represents the time when satellite data are completely received at the ground reception system.
- 卫星云图资料同化中的质量控制及其在暴雨预报中的应用A Study on Quality Control of Data Assimilation of Satellite Cloud Image and Its Application in Rainstorm Forecast
- 新疆系统性冰雹天气过程的环流形势及卫星云图特征分析Characteristic Analyese on Circulation Pattern of Systematic Hail Weather Processes and Satellite Cloud Image in Xinjiang
- 网络云图cloud
- 云图尘肺pneumoconiosis
- 云图特征cloud image characteristic
- 云图识别cloud recognition
- 扩散云图diffusion contour
- 电视云图television cloud photograph
- 摄影云图nephogram
- 彩色云图color map
- 分形云图fractal cloud
- 变形云图Aberration nephogram
- 红外云图infrared cloud image
- FY-2C云图FY-2C nephogram